From the Mississippi Delta to the Board of the Grammy Awards with Chelle Jacques

Woman with short blond hair smiling and wearing and African dress of gold, black, white and red.

As we get ready for the 2023 Grammy awards, this episode dives into Michelle Jacques’ story of working with the organization behind the Grammys, The Recording Academy, San Francisco/Colorado chapter and its work helping performing artists.

As Vice President of the Governor’s Board of The Recording Academy, Northern California/Colorado chapter–known best for the Grammys, Michelle (Chelle) Jacques has found her joy advocating for artists, contributing to increasing diversity growth of the organization and more.

Building on her 2+ decades as a music educator for organizations such as San Francisco Symphony’s Adventures in Music and Oakland School for the Arts, Chelle is now a full-time musician.

Daughters of the Delta

She launched her critically acclaimed Daughters of the Delta Project in 2022. It features the musical contributions and history from women musicians of Louisiana we so rarely hear about. She shares how places like Storyville in New Orleans helped create demand for so much of the music we love today, despite the systemic racism and bias faced by African-American artists. Chelle sings in Kouri Vini, a Creole language and talks about the women musicians she chose to feature in 2022’s Daughters Project, the first of a multi-part initiative she’s continuing to work on.

The Grammys Supporting Artists: MusiCares

Chelle became involved in leadership of The Recording Academy over a period of years and using her powers of manifestation (!), got invited to run for and win a leadership position in the organization. She looked beyond the prestige associated with the Grammys and learned how much more the organization does, both for its members and for all artists.

Click the image below to listen on YouTube:

Woman with short blond hair smiling and wearing and African dress of gold, black, white and red.

About Chelle Jacques

Chelle is a board member with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, performs regularly with Chelles Juke Joint and Chelle! and Friends music ensembles, and teaches at Cazadero Performing Arts Family Camp.

As a musician, she has toured throughout the United States and Europe performing with artists such as: Manhattan Transfer, Wynton Marsalis, Linda Hopkins, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Pete Seger, Al Greene, and The Persuasions.

To listen to this episode as a podcast, search for Agile Vocalist anywhere you get your podcasts.

If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area on Feburary 18, 2023, you can see Chelle! and Friends live on February 18th at the Mardi Gras party in Alameda.

orange graphic that reads Liner Notes

More about Michelle Jacques

Mentioned in this episode:
San Francisco International Arts Festival
Terence Kelly, OIGC Gospel Choir director
Louise Robinson’s Street Sounds and Sweet Honey in the Rock
Kouri-Vini, a Creole language
Carole Fran
Blue Lu Barker
Lizzie Miles
Cazadero Performing Arts Family Camp
Linda Tillery
Greg and Camilo Landau
Plymouth United Church of Christ, the Jazz and Justice Church
Charmaine Neville 

Songs from Daughters of the Delta You’ll Hear

  • Don’t You Feel My Leg, Blue Lu Barker
  • Adam in the Garden Pinnin’ Leaves
  • Salangadu, a Creole slave song
  • Pearly Gates, by Chelle Jacques
  • Second Line, Charmaine Neville
  • Chelle’s Daughters of the Delta Project Band: Bryan Dyer, Rhonda Crane, Tami Brown, Eric Swinderman, Donna Viscuso, Ruthie Price, Ruth Davies, Jay Lamont, David Sturdevant

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Episode Transcript:  Coming Soon!


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