Agile Vocalist Has Gone…Podcast

microphone music notes and a sound waveform as an icon

Delicious News For Your Ears!

It’s with great excitement that today’s update is:  Agile Vocalist has now gone…podcast! Audience and followers can now listen to all guest interviews in these common places where you get your podcasts.

** Note that blog posts will still live here on the web

Subscribe and follow along as the Spring 2021 season episodes get loaded in:

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With possibly the most polite frequency imaginable, Sound Cocktails is a curated collection of sound sips. Short stories, delights and experiences that get pulled into a very occasional newsletter that turns up in your email.

Unlike any other newsletter you receive, Sound Cocktails leaves you or that audio-obsessed person in your life hungry to hear more. Think rare web finds, interactive sites about sound, fun quizzes, personal snippets, interactive challenges and more.

  • Sneak preview of the Fall 2021 issue:  What if you could listen to the radio anywhere in the world? {Cue Rush’s Spirit of Radio in your head}.Subscribe here!  (I should say:  Subscribe! Hear! >>) to learn more!







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